Tuesday 30 September 2014

New Experiences

One of my favourite things about university is the new experiences I get to enjoy, some due to my friends likes and interests, whilst others are purely because I have to.

Public Transport
Public transport is definitely not a new experience I'm enjoying. I hate buses. Like seriously hate them. Although most of the buses tend to be on time, and we get them for free as students, it's always the day it's raining that they turn up late and leave me looking like a drowned rat. Plus, they're always packed as there are so many students trying to get around Manchester! Therefore, you never get a seat and always end up falling into one another whenever the bus stops and starts, no matter how hard you try to stay grounded. When seats eventually become available it's like a pack of dogs as everyone jumps over each other to get to it first.

Blue Mist
Having grown up in Manchester, Inzy knows his way around best out of all of us, and decided one evening to take us to to Blue Mist, his favourite shisha bar. Having never had shisha before I was a bit wary, but I ended up really enjoying myself! The atmosphere there was just so relaxed, we spent about 4 hours there the first time we went just having a laugh all together, and it proved that you don't need alcohol to have a good time, you just need the right people. We've gone quite a few times over freshers, and I know we'll continue to once we've all started our courses.

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