Saturday 20 December 2014

Homeward Bound Again

   Today signals the end of my first semester at university as it is finally time to go home for Christmas! It's crazy to think I've been living in Manchester for three months now, and although I didn't want to come at first I've met the most amazing people and my course is incredibly, so I'm definitely glad that I did! It's become my second home and I know that I'll miss it tremendously over Christmas, and I'll especially miss all my friends! They've helped me settle in so well and they've made uni so enjoyable for me, we're gonna have to do something massive when we're all back in February to celebrate being reunited!
   Yesterday evening after my present opening session with my parents - I was a very lucky girl! - I took them to the Christmas Markets so they could pick up some last minute bits they needed for at home. It was my seventh visit there, so once again definitely go along next year if you get the chance to! Despite the fact it rained at points, it was just so lovely to be reunited with my parents in my new home, and I felt really grown up showing them round! Afterwards we went to Cromer for dinner, somewhere I've never been but my dad recommended, and the food was lush and not overly expensive - so I'll definitely be going there again when there's an occasion for it! It was lovely to spend the evening catching up with my parents and celebrating my birthday, because it was bizarre spending the actual day without them!
   On the way home mum and dad surprised me with a visit to their friends Carl and Dawn's for lunch. Carl and Dawn bought one of our dog Maisie's puppies this summer, and renamed her Rosie, and it's lovely being able to go and visit her seeing as she lives so close to Manchester! She's absolutely adorable and remembers us all! Lunch was Staffordshire oatcakes with smoked bacon, mushrooms and cheese and it was absolutely amazing! It was lush being able to relax and enjoy myself knowing I've finished uni for Christmas! I cannot wait to be reunited with my girls this evening, I've missed them so much whilst we've all been at uni and I can't wait to see their faces again!

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