Friday 19 December 2014

I'm 19!

   So after what seems like forever, my 19th birthday has finally arrived! Yesterday saw me turn 19 at long last! I know that everyone has to wait 12 months for their birthday, but when you're a December baby it seems like you have to wait much longer compared to everybody else! Our uni breaks up for Christmas tomorrow, and the majority of my friends went home yesterday, so therefore I properly celebrated my birthday on the Wednesday. It took lots of preparation but it was well worth it because I had the best night!
   As I've mentioned in previous posts, prinks is a massive part of student life. Therefore, I decided to start the evening with prinks in my flat, which hardly any of my uni friends have ever actually been in because it's normally inhabited by my male flat mates! However, as it was my birthday Amber and I decided it was our turn to take it over and make it look incredibly girly! We hung pink and silver balloons in bunches around the room, two birthday banners including an incredible "party with my bitches" banner from Urban Outfitters, made raspberry vodka jelly shots and then covered the table in coloured shot glasses, pink paper cups and red and white paper straws. For anyone who knows me, they'll know it was very me! In true Eleanor style I turned up to my own party after everyone else had arrived because I took forever getting ready! So everyone made me take a load of shots to catch up! It was just a massive laugh having everyone together, and not everyone was coming out with us after, so it lovely to all be together for a part of the evening to celebrate my evening. Amber surprised me with a birthday cake because she's the best flat mate ever! It was a pink velvet cake which was not only absolutely delicious but also went with my theme!


   We chose to go to Fifth as it was student night there, and although it's not the best venue in Manchester it was cheap drinks and packed and I was tipsy enough not to care! I can't really remember much about Fifth at all if I'm honest...
   Amazingly I woke up feeling fresh as a daisy on Thursday, so thankfully I got to celebrate my actual birthday without a hangover! Unfortunately I had an assignment in for today, so I had to spend the morning finalising that and getting it sent off. Then I got to spend the afternoon opening presents from my friends who hadn't gone home and popped in to see me, and watching films with Amber. Then I cooked dinner for Amber, Abi and I - sweet potato jacket potatoes with my mum's homemade chilli! It was just such a lush, lazy, relaxed day, I honestly couldn't have asked for a better birthday!
   I get to see my parents this afternoon so I'm incredibly excited to get my presents from them and go out for dinner with them. My birthday is going to be spread over 5 days this year, and it's going to be fabulous from start to finish! I've been thoroughly spoilt by my uni friends, and I couldn't have asked to spend my birthday in better company. I can't wait to be reunited with my parents and spend tomorrow evening being reunited and getting tipsy with my home girls!

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