Sunday 5 October 2014

I'm A Grown Up!

   Today finally saw me do the majority of my laundry, and now I officially feel like a grown up! Although I found it a tad confusing to begin with, Abi helped me and I managed to get two loads of washing and tumble drying done, which is a massive relief as I was beginning to run out of clothes to wear! It was a pretty bizarre feeling doing it for myself, as I am used to having my parents doing it for me, but I definitely feel more grown up and independent now that I've done it myself, and I'll feel prouder wearing my clothes from now on as well!
   Being at uni you really do grow up very fast as you now have to do everything for yourself! Although it's daunting at first, the sooner you get on with it the easier it becomes! I think my biggest worry about coming to uni was having to cook for myself, however I've realised it's so easy. Most days I'll make myself a salad and cook myself some meat to go with it, or I'll go for comfort food and have a massive bowl of chicken and bacon pasta. Days I'm feeling much much lazier I'll just make myself a Cuppa Soup and have some Ryvita or a stirfry. I actually prefer being able to cook for myself, as I can eat when I want, opposed to when my parents are hungry, which tends to be a lot later than when I'm hungry! Meat goes with absolutely anything you want to throw together, so definitely stock up on it as it's so easy to do!
   My room is currently pretty messy, as I'm not the best at cleaning and it's definitely something I need to get sorted sooner rather than later as I don't like living somewhere messy! My main issue is that I have too many things, but thankfully my parents are bringing me some extra units in a few weeks, which'll make it a hell of a lot easier to keep on top of keeping my room tidy. I don't recommend having a messy uni room, as you have to work, sleep and live in there, so it's a lot easier if you keep it clean and know where things are, as on lecture days you don't really have time to be throwing things all over the place in an attempt to find the book you need.
   If you're in doubt about anything then just ask your friends! Although I haven't really needed much help other than with working the washing machine and tumble dryer for the first time, I would definitely go straight to my friends if I had any queries as I know they'd be willing to help me out. Plus, the majority of you are going to be doing things for the first time, so you might as well do it together to begin with.

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