Tuesday 14 October 2014

The Workload

   Following on from my previous post about prioritising, I thought that I should write a post about the workload. Obviously, different students will encounter different workloads due to their course, but I can definitely tell you on behalf of all students, you will get a lot of work, and not all of it will be straight forward.
   I'm lucky enough to only be in lectures on Mondays and Tuesdays, however, not only are my lectures each 3 hours long with only a 10 minute break, I also nearly always leave with a lot of work and revision to do for the following week. It's ridiculously stressful at times, but like I said in my last post, I get stressed very easily. Although I knew my course wasn't going to be easy, I didn't expect it to be quite so full on and intense as it is, so definitely prepare yourself for the worst case scenario when you go, so that you won't be shocked when you realise your three days off will all be spent doing work! 
   Now I'm finally on top of it all I feel so much more relaxed, and won't feel guilty about spending the weekend in bed watching films. My advice for handling the uni workload is simple - the sooner you do it the better! Doing it the day you get it might seem pointless as you have the whole week, but doing it that day means you'll remember more from the lecture and it'll be better quality as you won't be rushing to finish it 5 minutes before it's due in. Plus, it's much more rewarding to be able to sit and watch American Horror Story all evening knowing all your work is done, instead of having that reminder in the back of your head!
   It's safe to say that the reading list for your course will most likely want to make you cry. I have to get 6 books for my TV News module, why do I need 6 to tell me how to present TV?! Of course I know it's not that straight forward... My point is, there'll be a lot of books you need to order and they're not going to be cheap, my Law and Ethics book cost me just under £20 second-hand! Therefore I recommend having a look around on Amazon and Ebay, I usually refuse to have second-hand books, but they're so expensive, and as a student I really need to save money wherever I can!
   Although the workload can be horrible and tedious, getting through it all and doing your best will benefit you so much in the long run. I'm determined to finish my first year with a first, so I know I need to grin and bear it and just get on with it in order to be able to do that! It's better to stay on top of it all now than be panicking the week before my final assignments are due in and knowing that I've let myself down. Obviously you need to enjoy uni as it's a completely new experience and a fresh start, but you need to make sure you put the work in too in order to get your degree, that is the whole reason you're there anyway!

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